Sunrise Home Health Care is continuously looking for new talent to join our dynamic team! 


If you are interested in becoming part of our team please fill out the form below.  We will call you to set up an interview.  Additionally, should you choose to accept an interview please bring the following documentation when you come in.

Current Professional License

We require a valid and up to date license in your respected field before considering you for employment.


Professional Diplomas (i.e. RN, PT, OT, MSW, CNA), Transcripts, and/or Certification copies will be required before hire. We check the validity of these documents as well.

Valid State of Colorado Drivers License

A Colorado drivers license will be required for employment. 

Valid Auto Insurance

In order to ensure our employees are able to meet with their patients, we require a copy of valid auto insurance for your vehicle. 

A valid Social Security card is required in order to properly file taxes if hired as an employee.

Social Security Card

Valid CPR Certification

In order to work with patients in the medical field, you must be up to date on CPR certification.


A review of your employment history, along with a list of references to call upon is necessary to ensure you're a right fit.

TB Screening

When working with patients in the field, it's imperative that our staff be screened for TB in order to ensure our patients remain safe. 

Influenza Immunization

When working with patients in the field, it's imperative that our staff be immunized for influenza in order to ensure our patients remain safe.

Background Check

If considered for employment, be prepared to pass a criminal background check. This will include a comprehensive check with Homeland Security that covers all states.